House of Sand and Fog is a great novel and is now one of my favorite novel. Each character has their own story, one more intrigue than the other. The character that i really could not understand is Lester. He always left me wondering why would he act like that after every decisions he makes.
I don't get how he fall in love with Kathy so quickly. He barely knew anything about her. Kathy even asked him the same thing. At first I thought he just wanted to use her for sex since she was already a screw up but as the story goes on, I realised that he was serious about his feelings for Kathy. On top of that he was a married man, and a father. You would think that since he grew up with his parents separated he wouldn't want the same for his kids but then again he wasn't thinking. Just going on impulse because of his emotions.
What really make it worst is the fact that he was a deputy, which mean he knew the law and the consequences of his actions. But he was so blinded by love that he didn't take no time to think before making any decisions. Its understandable that he wanted to help her get the house back because it was taken from her unjustly but there should of been a limit to what he was willing to do. I know they usually say woman are the ones that get emotional and get carried away but in the novel Lester was worse than a woman. He torn his family apart, his kids will grow up without a father and he cause the death of a whole family just because he let his emotions get the best of him.
And why does he kept wanting to see his kids every time he realised he messed up. He if cared so much about them why did he torn the family apart and left in the first place? I think Lester deserve everything that happened to him and I'm glad that he didn't die because he need to think about everything he caused because of his foolish actions.
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